St Oswald's Lodge, Malpas

St Oswald’s Lodge is a Freemasons Lodge based in the village of Malpas in the Province of Cheshire


Freemasonry teaches it's members the importance of integrity


Freemasonry demands respect and tolerance of others


Freemasonry has the strongest of links with charity at all levels


Freemasonry develops a mutual bond of friendship

Cheshire Provincial Grand lodge Logo

Join over 4500 people in Cheshire

Freemasonry in the Province of Cheshire boasts over 4500 members in nearly 175 Lodges located in most of the major towns and also in smaller villages

We meet in purpose built halls, in village halls and even a few hotels so you can be sure that there is a Lodge in close proximity wherever you live across Cheshire.


Who can become a freemason ?

We welcome enquiries about membership from men who believe in a Supreme Being


At St Oswalds Lodge we meet on 8 evenings each year between September and April

What happens at a meeting ?

Our meetings consist of a ceremony and the “business” of the meeting followed by a meal and social event

how much does it cost ?

The basic costs are an annual membership fee and the meal at a meeting, you will also need to buy some regalia

Where do you meet in malpas ?

We meet at the Victoria Jubilee Hall in the centre of the village of Malpas and have done for over 100 years!

How can i get more information ?

The best way is to come and meet some of our members informally so just get in touch and we will arrange it


We have an active social calendar with many events open to friends, and people interested in Freemasonry and St Oswald’s Lodge

Sunday Lunches

Open to Members and Friends
(next event will be soon!)

Come and join us

This popular event at local pubs is open to all members and those who are interested in an informal lunch

(Sorry, Adults only at this event)
Enquire / Book

Skittles and Games

Inter-lodge Competitions
from Skittles to Bowls, 5-a-side to Badminton

The Challenge is on !

St Oswald's Lodge is challenging all Local Lodges to a Competitions at a suitable local venue
Enquire / Book

Lodge Summer BBQ

Open to Members and Friends
Date for 2023 being arranged

Sunshine Guaranteed (?)

Kindly hosted by our Lodge Secretary, everyone is welcome to book and come to this fantastic event with an informal chance to meet other members of St Oswald's
Enquire / Book


Freemasonry in Cheshire is very active on Social Media as it is the best way that we can make sure that all our visitors have the latest news from across the Province.  We also have a Twitter account for St Oswalds Lodge and everyone is welcome to follow us to keep up to date with our own news.

St Oswalds Lodge

Cheshire Provincial Grand Lodge

"Discover Freemasonry"

This short video has been created by the United Grand Lodge of England and gives an excellent overview of what Freemasonry means to it’s members and gives a brief and broad overview of the fraternity and how it interacts with its members and society in general.

and what a few of our members in Malpas Lodge would add regarding their personal experiences as members of St Oswalds Lodge..

Joining Freemasonry has been one the best decisions I have made outside of my family, it has become a fundamental part of who I am and like most things in life, the more personal effort you put in, the more you understand how important it is as an organisation at this time. I have made friends across the world through Freemasonry, I can't think of any other organisation that could do that for me.
All Lodges are unique, but Malpas is very special for many, many reasons.
Steve Farmer
Past Master - St Oswalds Lodge 2992
I joined St Oswalds after moving to a new house near Malpas, I had heard of Freemasonry, but following an open evening and meeting some of the Members, I thought that it could be something that would get me involved in the Community. I joined in 2013 and am now in 2019 about to take the Chair in the Lodge. It is a fantastic organisation and I am now a member of another lodge as well as a member of some of the many side orders in Freemasonry. There is so much to Freemasonry that I know I am yet to discover.
James Powell
WM - St Oswalds Lodge 2992

There is so much more to learn, why not get in touch ?

or send an email to our Lodge Secretary

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Website ©2019-2023 St Oswalds Lodge – External content is copyright of the owners

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Integrity is an fundamental requirement within Freemasonry, our reputation is incredibly important both on a personal and organisation basis and this is regularly referred to in our meetings and ceremonies.



Freemasonry brings people together irrespective of their race, religion or any other perceived differences that can divide us as a society



Kindness and charitable giving are deeply ingrained within the principles of Freemasonry and the organisation provides the structure for members to make positive contributions to their communities and various causes



Freemasonry provides the common foundation for friendships between members, many of which will last for life.

Did you know ?


was donated to charity by UK Freemasonry in 2018

St Oswalds Lodge Logo


Type in your email address below and we will get in touch and arrange to provide you with a bit more information.

No Obligation, No Hard Sell- but maybe a beer !